DELIMET FOODS, S.L.U. is a company with tax address in: Calle font del prat, 59 - 08758-Cervelló with VAT number  ESB66135757. The telephone is (34) 640 509 497. The email is: 

This company is registered in the Barcelona commercial register Tome 43971, folio 6,  foil 443269, Registration 1 

The domain name is propietary de DELIMET FOODS, S.L.U.,


As provided in Law 34/2002 of July 11 for information society and e-commerce services, general information on this website is provided below.

Use of this website presupposes knowing that it contains information, communications, photographs, videos, graphics, music, sound, images, software and other materials and services (hereinafter referred to as “the Content”) and that this Content as well as its design and source codes are the intellectual property of DELIMET FOODS, S.L.U. or has been licensed or assigned by independent content providers. The User of this website agrees and is aware that DELIMET FOODS, S.L.U. allows access to this content, but that the content is protected by the intellectual and industrial property laws (hereinafter referred to as “the Rights”), and that these Rights are valid and are protected in all mediums that currently exist or are developed in the future. The User accepts that the use of the content is subject to and is governed by these regulations and by the applicable rights and private property laws.

Consequently, all of the content of the DELIMET FOODS, S.L.U. website is protected by the Rights and DELIMET FOODS, S.L.U. is the owner or, if applicable, the license holder, of the content; therefore, the user cannot modify, publish or transmit the content, nor participate in the transferral or sale, reproduction, creation of derivative work, distribution, exhibition or, in any way, make use of all or part of the content.

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Privacy policy and personal data protection   

DELIMET FOODS, S.L.U. fully complies with the legislation in force concerning personal data protection, Eco Law 15/99 of December 13, 1999, and guarantees that the personal data provided to it by the website users through the forms available on the website will be treated confidentially.

DELIMET FOODS, S.L.U. has adopted the necessary technical measures to maintain the required security level in accordance with the nature of the personal data treated, with the aim of avoiding, as far as possible and according to the state of the art, alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorised access.


Cookies policy

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Updates and changes to the Cookies policy.

DELIMET FOODS, S.L.U. can modify this Cookies Policy according to new legislative, regulation demands or in order to adapt said policy to the instructions handed down by the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Users will be notified of any significant changes made to this Cookie Policy, by notification on the web page. 

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